Registrations are now open for Rouse Hill Rams Summer Softball for 2016/17 Season!
The season starts on Sat 17 Sept 2016 then school holidays. We start back up again on Sat 15 Oct. Last round before Xmas break is Sat 10 Dec. We return on Sat 28 Jan 2017 with Grand Final day being on Sat 4 March 2017.
Registration Fees for 2016/17 are:
Seniors: $230
Juniors (Under 18): $200
Sub-Junior (Under 13 - Modball and Teeball) $180
Sub-Junior (Under 6 - Batter-up): $160Please read the steps below to complete your registration.
Step 1
Click the registration link and you will be taken to the Rouse Hill Rams Registration page.
Select: Adult &/or Child to be registered and after you click continue you will be asked to enter an email address. This will be where all communication regarding softball will be sent. You will then be sent an email so you can create a password and finish your registration.Step 2
Fill out the registration form on line (including payment if applicable).
PLEASE remember to double check all your details, and please be patient, if you click confirm again, you may register twice.Step 3
You will receive an email confirming your registration and an online receipt for your payment.You will be contacted late August with your team and your training time. This year we will be training at Centenary Park Rouse Hill and playing at Hayes Park Galston.
If you have any questions please contact our registrar on registrar.softball@rousehillrams.com.au
Look forward to seeing you all on the diamond soon.
RAMS Softball